Cleansing tonic black caviar
250 ml
The luxury series from Mon Platin offers the highest quality ingredients known today for your skin. Tonic without alcohol for regular to dry skin, enriched with optimally balanced black caviar extract with a high concentration of oils and proteins, mineral salts (mainly phosphorous and potassium) and vitamins A, E, B2, B12, iron, manganese, selenium, magnesium and amino acids, combined with minerals from the depths of the Dead Sea, the essence of pomegranates, and concentrated aloe vera to soothe the skin.
The ingredients´ unique synergy provides your skin with a gentle but thorough cleansing and a feeling of freshness and vitality. The toner contracts the pores after cleansing the skin. Instructions for use: Wet a piece of cotton wool with the toner and wipe the face and neck morning and night. Recommended after removing makeup to complete thorough cleansing of the skin
The ingredients´ unique synergy provides your skin with a gentle but thorough cleansing and a feeling of freshness and vitality. The toner contracts the pores after cleansing the skin. Instructions for use: Wet a piece of cotton wool with the toner and wipe the face and neck morning and night. Recommended after removing makeup to complete thorough cleansing of the skin